martes, 23 de mayo de 2017


I think is time to talk about work , this is the first reason why I came here .
I'm working in PK-Teollisuuspalvelut company.
Those are the service that they offer to other company(most of times are Genencor
 or Jämsämkosi factory)
PK-Teollisuuspalvelut has 10 workers if I'm not wrong jejejej
My fellow worker is Jussi
Now we are working in Genencor. Our job there is wire up like 30 vents and also make 6 security switchers.The job consist in 4 parts
1.-Poyri is the company that makes plans and schematics .
2.-Then they have a meeting where the work to be done is explained.
3.-We wire up and conect all wires
4.-We carry out the checks and test that everything works correctly
Resultado de imagen de genencor finlandResultado de imagen de genencor jamsankoski
Working hours are from Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
And on Fridays from 7 to 1:30
To be honest the schedule is super good, since on Fridays you have free time to enjoy it.
They also have 2 coffee breaks (9:00 and 13:30) and 45 five minutes for lunch

It's very noisy and very very hot
The smell sometimes is very bad
And all security If you're not used to wear(helmet ,gloves ect) it will be a litle bit tired

In conclusion the perfect job for me.

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